Pedro Ruiz, Bogotá, Colombia, 1957
Flowers, 2012. Project GOLD – Displacements Series
Acrylic on canvas and resin
34 cm x 29 cm
The project is a proposal that is presented as a testimonial of the forced banishment that is suffered, due to the violence, by thousands in the Colombian territory. …a personage that carries on his rowboat the memory of the landscape that has been snatched from him… The boatmen carry their landscapes but also their township, their houses, their music and their poetry, their dances, their images and their monuments.
Comments: Pedro Ruiz / Photography: Pedro Ruiz / Reproduction: Courtesy of the artist /Color separation: Andros Impresores
Alejandro De Narváez, Bogotá, Colombia, 1961
Pigeon, 2015
Painted foil
50 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm
Peace, a symbol, a feeling, a dream. Pigeon, symbol of humanity, image for a historic moment. .. Colombia homeland of good people, of kind hearted folks, needs a feeling, a moment, a space, peace, after fifty years of conflict, pigeon of fifty pieces, fifty elements of suffering, wings that tell the arrival, the encounter, finally, a Nation that awaits its arrival.
Comments: Alejandro de Narváez / Photography: Alejandro De Narváez / Reproduction: Courtesy of the artist / Color separation: Andros Impresores
Claudia Penrroz, Los Angeles,Bío-Bio, Chile, 1965.
Hoop Skirt, from the series ‘Women in Colonial Times’, 2011
Acrylic on canvas
130 cm x 110 cm
The intense color, rich textures and suggestive stains attempt to catch all the energy present in “Women of other Times”: Spaniards, and Creole, slaves, indians, tricksters and chandlers in which we find common features, Chileans, fighters, zealous, with or without fortune, builder of the same race. …women as the key element to decipher the social, economic and cultural development of Chile during the colonial times.
Comments: Art Gallery, Chile/ Photography: Claudia Penrroz / Reproduction: Art Gallery, Chile. / Color separation: Andros Impresores
Dolores Martina Meral, Mexico City, Mexico, 1963. Lives in EEUU
Spilling Love, 2011
Acrylic on cotton canvas
180 cm x 150 cm
A member of the World Organization of Integrated Artists (WOIA), Dolores Martina Meral handles the most diverse media to explore different techniques and styles, always at the service of a dynamic and profound expressivity.
Comments: Interciencia / Photography: Dolores Martina Meral / Reproduction: MeralArt Gallery/ Color separation: Andros Impresores
Fernando Cifuentes Soro, Santiago, Chile 1957
Deep Fire 2, 2013
Oil on canvas
140cm x 140cm x 10cm
… the term atypical doesn’t fit him. Unpredictable is more appropriate. In a world with too many rules he reconciles without problems the benefits of different cultures and universes… When he needs to connect with “the poetic furies” he plays the drums and calls inspiration in this manner. He moves himself at maximal speed through existence as if each day be the last one.
Comments: Sonia Quintana Rojas / Photography: Andrés Poheler / Reproduction: Courtesy of the artist / Color separation: Andros Impresores
Jeannette González Moretti, Caracas, Venezuela 1972
Yin and Yan, 2013
Acrylic on canvas
30 cm x 30 cm
…her first two series –Abstracts and Spirals- reflect this search for inner knowledge, of the connection with the universe, the continuous growth, the constant transformation, the infinite, a non-repeating instant. They represent a permanent conflict between the light and the shadow of the human being.
Comments: / Photography: Jeannette González Moretti / Reproduction: Courtesy of artist / Color separation: Andros Impresores
Cipriano Martínez, Caracas, Venezuela 1965
Brillante, 2011
Oil on canvas
150 cm x 150 cm
He deals …with the urban landscape, but not with that of the utopian city, the arcadia, the dreamt, idealized and sublimated space that the post-modern citizen of the large capitals recomposes in his desires. The artist is interested in the changing and uneven geography of the city, the mutating and imprecise cartography, the metamorphosing and ever changing architecture, the variability and unstable character of traces and textures from the temporal point of view, on which the modern city is built.
Comments: Patricia Velasco / Photography: Courtesy of Maddox Arts / Reproduction: Courtesy of Maddox Arts / Color separation: Andros Impresores
Esperanza Prada Sánchez, Espinal, Tolima, Colombia 1960
Multicolored Forest, 2010
Lithopone oil on canvas
80cm x 100 cm
My work is an interpretation of the world where I grew, carrying the warmth and smell of the tropics in each stroke that vibrates through the traces loaded with color …When I scratch with the spatula the several layers of color superposed within each other sweet tones appear, then I spread the color with a cloth giving diverse esthetical qualities. …I draw lines with the fingers leaving tracks of impressions that enrich the painting.
Comments: Esperanza Prada Sánchez / Photography: Jorge González C / Reproduction: Courtesy of the artist / Color separation: Andros Impresores
Francisco Salas, Valle Central de Chile, 1963
Water at loss, 2015
Oil on canvas
100 x 100 cm
Shadows that mislead surfaces and become hidden images. Iconographies born from nature, but translated into the language of pictorial matter. A language where every gesture, understood as a simple oil stroke that generates a register of visual sensations of diverse perceptual intensities, confers significance to the image.
Comments: Carolina Abel Soffia / Photography: Francisco Salas / Reproduction: Courtesy of the artist / Color separation: Andros Impresores
Angela Wilson, Santiago, Chile, 1958
“Sudoku”, 2007
Synthetic enamel on canvas
130 x 130 cm
…stains and graphic elements that arise from initial signs, letters, symbols, figures and/or images that make reference to the city, landscapes, portraits and/or texts; which are covered by successive layers of drippings and spills that maintain and destroy those initial images. These graphic elements create an alphabet of abstract signs that cross from figuration and fidelity to the referent to total abstraction.
Comments: Ángela Wilson / Photography: Patricia Novoa / Reproduction: Courtesy of the artist / Color separation: Andros Impresores
Jeannette Priolli. São Paulo, Brazil, 1948
“Amarello”, 1993
Acrylic on canvas
170 x 175 cm
…the work of Jeannette Priolli abandoned any references which might extrapolate the scope of the painting itself. It became …non-allusive, silently visual. …a deliberate ambiguity between form, color and background …gives way to a type of modulation, which mobilizes the entire surface of the canvas. …Simple geometrical elements, defined by the opposition between colors and black, invariably demarcate the margins of the paintings…
Comments: : Fernando Cocciarale / Photography: Jeannette Priolli / Reproduction: Courtesy of the artist / Color separation: Andros Impresores
Luis Kerch, Mexico, 1962. Lives and works in Madrid, Spain
Hummingbird which carries the good thoughts, 2014
Acrylic on canvas
243 x 163 cm
The work of Luis Kerch represents “the experience of perceiving the light and the world surrounding us through the use of color”. Thus, his large format paintings are inspired in the colors of his pre-Columbian and colonial Mexico, it being the spirituality and the mythology of these cultures what provide him the aesthetics that allow transcending countries and cultures in his work.
Comments: Paloma Carreño / Photography: Santiago Mijango / Reproduction: Courtesy of the artist / Color separation: Andros Impresores

P.O.B 51842, Caracas 1050 A – Venezuela
Phone: (+58-212) 9917525; 9923224
Camino El Alba 9500, Torre B, Oc. 323, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile CP.7600830
Phone: (+56) 582386092; 582386090;
(+56-9) 63914970